Chapter 4 Reverse Engineering
5 Click OK.
A Progress box appears and the classes are added to your model. The
classes are visible in the diagram and in the Browser.
The reversed classes are listed in the Reverse page of the Output
window, situated in the bottom part of the PowerDesigner main window.
Reverse engineering archived .jar or .zip files
Each .jar or .zip file contains definitions of one or several classes. These files
can often contain large numbers of class definitions.
A .jar file is a compressed file type that contains one or several Java class
definitions. When you reverse engineer a .jar file, PowerDesigner creates a
class for each class definition in the .jar file.
A .zip file can contain one or several Java class files, as well as other files.
When you reverse engineer a .zip file, only the Java class files are reversed.
Information stored in other files is not reversed and is totally discarded.
v To reverse engineer .jar or .zip files to a diagram:
1 Select Language➤Reverse Engineer Java.
The Reverse Java dialog box appears.