Chapter 2 Building an Object-Oriented Model
An interface definition also includes the following properties, which are
defined on associated property sheets:
Property Description
Attribute Defines the characteristics of an interface
Operations Carries out a service that effects behavior
Business rules A rule that your business follows. Business rules guide and
document the creation of a model
Analyzing interface properties
The visibility of an interface refers to the way in which it can be seen by
other objects. An interface that is visible to another object may influence the
structure or behavior of the object, or similarly, its own properties may be
affected by the other object.
Property Visible
Private Only to the interface itself
Protected Only to the interface and its inherited objects
Package To all objects contained within the same package
Public To all objects in workspace
Creating an interface
There are three ways to create an interface:
♦ Create an interface symbol in the Browser
♦ Create an interface symbol directly in a diagram
♦ Add a new interface to the list of classes
Creating an interface from the Browser
v To create an interface from the Browser:
1 Right-click the Interfaces category in the Browser.
2 Select New from the contextual menu.