
Chapter 2 Building an Object-Oriented Model
Defining operations
An operation is a service that can be requested from an object to effect
behavior. It has a name and a list of parameters. An operation is a
specification of a transformation or query that an object may be called to
Operation names within a class must be unique. You can give identical names
to two or more operations only if they exist in different classes.
Operation properties
An operation has the following properties:
Property Description
Parent Object to which the operation belongs to 254
Name Name of the operation 254
Code Reference name for the operation 254
Comment Descriptive comment for the operation
Stereotype Subclassification of an operation derived from an
existing one. Extends the semantics of an operation
without changing it's structure
Return Type A list of values returned by a call of the operation.
If there are no values returned by the operation, the
return type value is null
Visibility Visibility of the operation, whose value denotes
how it may be seen outside its enclosing name
Event Significant occurrence that has a location in time
and space. An event can trigger a state transition
Abstract Indicates that the operation cannot be instantiated
and therefore has no direct instances
Final Indicates that the operation cannot be redefined
Static Defines the operation as static, meaning it cannot
be modified
An operation definition also includes business rules, and parameters, which
are defined on associated property sheets.