
8.1.4. Messages relating to the Firmware Updater
The firmware updater is already running.
Cause: The same application software is tried to execute concurrently.
User response: Use the one already executed.
ASPI manager has not been installed. Please install the ASPI manager.
ASPI manager of unsupported revision has been installed. Please install the ASPI manager
of the revision 4.1 or later.
Cause: The ASPI manager has not been installed, or revision may be old.
User response: After installing the ASPI manager of revision 4.0 or later (For
Windows2000, 4.60 or later), execute this application software.
More than one scanner is connected. Please connect only one scanner.
Cause: Scanners other than the one with the firmware to be updated are
connected. (If more than one scanner is connected, the applicable
scanner cannot be detected properly resulting in the unsuccessful
User response: Connect one scanner to be updated, and then execute this application
The scanner is in the emulation mode. Please release it from the emulation mode.
Cause: Connected scanner device has been set to the emulation mode.
User response: Referring the Operators Guide of the device, cancel the emulation
mode, and then execute this application software.
The driver of the scanner is in use now. Close the application software using the driver.
Cause: This application software cannot be executed with the driver
User response: Close the application software that is using the driver, and then
execute the application software.
Failed to obtain the model revision. Please check the connection of the device.
Cause: The device information may not have been obtained due to the wrong
connection of the scanner.
User response: After confirming the scanner connection, execute the application
software again.