
C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
LifeBook 900 Series from Fujitsu
Menu Field Options Default Description
SUS/RES Switch: Enabled; Disabled. [Enabled] Sets the function of the Suspend/Resume button when your
notebook is in an active state. The resume function can not
be disabled as it works regardless of any other settings.
Lid Closure Suspend: On; Off. [On] Enables and disables having closure of the Display panel put your
notebook in Suspend mode.
Lid Open Resume: On; Off. [On] Enables and disables having opening the Display panel acting as
an automatic resume.
AMU CPU Idle Mode: Low Power; Standard. [Low Power] Sets the CPU speed during Idle mode.
LCD Backlight Mode: Low Power; Standard. [Standard] Sets the CPU speed during Video timeout and Lid Closure
Suspend activation.
Serial Mouse Activity: Enabled; Disabled. [Disabled] Enables and disables having activity on the serial port cause the
system to reactivate from inactivity timeouts.
Table 3-16 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Advanced Features Submenu of the Power Menu