S e c t i o n O n e
on the Finish button the display will flash
various screens as the system identifies what
hardware is installed and runs a virus check.
Time Zone
When your notebook has completely identified
all of the installed hardware it will display a dia-
log box for entering which time zone you wish
to set in the BIOS clock.
Windows Messaging
Once you have selected a time zone you will see
a screen announcing that Windows messaging
is being set up.
Printer Setup
When the messaging setup is complete a dialog
box will appear for selecting which printer is
to be attached to your notebook. You do not
have to select a printer at this time. If you do
not wish to select a printer, click on the
C a n c e l button. If you do wish to select a
printer click on the Next> button and answer
the questions.
Windows 95 Setup
Once you have completed the printer setup, or
chosen not to set up a printer at this time, you
will see the Windows 95 Setup screen. This
screen lets you set up Internet Explorer 4.01
with Active Desktop on your LifeBook.
Follow the on-screen directions to complete
the installation of Internet Explorer 4.01.
If you reject the terms of the license
agreement you will be asked to review
the license agreement for information on
returning Windows 95 or to shut down
your notebook.
Certificate of Authenticity
Look in the box that your notebook came in
and you will find a Windows 95 Certificate of
Authenticity shrink wrapped with the Windows
95 Users manual.On the certificate you will
find a bar-code with a number above it. This is
your product code and the number you should
enter on the Certificate of Authenticity screen.
When you have entered the number exactly as
shown, click the
Start Wizard
The Start Wizard screen will appear if you have
entered a valid product code. When you click
If you would like to skip the installation
of Internet Explorer 4.01, go the the Start
Menu on the desktop, select Shutdown
and Restart the computer. After returning
to Windows, you can install Internet
Explorer 4.01 at any time by selecting
the icon Setup for Internet Explorer 4.0
in the Internet Starts Here folder
on the desktop.