Tilt Adjustment Feet
These are a pair of feet which flip down and
hold the back of your notebook approximately
6° higher than the front when resting on a flat
surface. They are designed to make using your
notebook more comfortable. (Figure 1-8.)
Unit Label
This label contains the model number and
other information about your notebook. In
addition the configuration portion of this label
has the serial number and manufacturer infor-
mation that you will need to give your support
representative so that he or she can help you. It
exactly identifies the version of various compo-
nents of your notebook. (Figure 1-8.)
Battery Bay
This compartment houses your notebook’s
main battery. The battery is removable for ser-
vice and storage purposes only. (Figure 1-8.)
Multi-function Bay 2 Release Button
This is the release to allow removal and
installation of devices in Multi-function Bay 2.
(See pages 118–119 and Figure 1-8.)
Battery Release Button
This is the release to allow removal and installa-
tion of the main notebook battery. (Figure 1-8.)
Multi-function Bay 1
This compartment is accessed from the front
of your notebook. (See pages 117–120 and
Figure 1-4 on page 5.)
Multi-function Bay 1 Eject Lever
This eject device aids in removing the device in
Multi-function Bay 1 after it has been released
with the Multi-function Bay 1 release button on
the left side panel of your notebook.
(See Figures 1-5 and 1-8.)