Example 4: The parameters for all instances are set to "Auto-Negotiation is disabled", "Connect at 100Mbps" and "Half-Duplex
operation is enabled".
The parameter value needs to be set by a character string like AutoNegotiation_A="Off", LinkSpeed_A="100",
The following is added to the fjgi.conf file:
Example 5: The parameters for all instances are set to "Auto-Negotiation is enabled", "Connect at 100Mbps" and "Full-Duplex
operation is enabled".
The parameter value needs to be set by a character string like AutoNegotiation_A="On", LinkSpeed_A="100",
The following is added to the fjgi.conf file:
Example 6: The MTU parameter for all instances is set to 8000.
The parameter value needs to be set by numerical value like fjgi_mtu=8000.
The following is added to the fjgi.conf file:
Example 7: The MTU parameter for all instances is set to 1500 and the MTU parameter for fjgi0 (the instance number 0 port of
SE0X7GQ1X (10/100/1000BASE-T)) is set to 8000.
In this case, the MTU of fjgi0 is 8000, and the MTU of other instances is 1500.
The following is added to the fjgi.conf file:
name="fjgi" parent="/pci@1,700000/pci@0" unit-address="4" fjgi_mtu=8000;
Note: After making changes to the fjgi.conf file, the system must be rebooted. The settings become effective after rebooting.
- Using Auto-Negotiation (the default setting) is recommended for speed, duplex, and flow control. When Auto-Negotiation is used,
the remote device should also be setup for Auto-Negotiation. Using Auto-Negotiation on both local and remotes devices allows the
appropriate speed, duplex, and flow control to be set up automatically.
- When you use the fjgi.conf file to change the mode of operation, please set the same mode of operation on local and remote devices.
When the mode of operation is not the same between local and remote devices, link up may fail, a communication error may occur
(even if link is up), or the mode of operation may not be the same as specified.
- The default values of the tuning parameter which provide higher throughput are recommended for the most systems. Only when you
need a smaller latency for a specific use, change the values of the parameters. You need to check if the specified parameters provide
a suitable latency and throughput for your systems. When the values of these parameters are set small, the latency will be improved,
but the throughput will fall.
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