
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi0 adv_1000fdx_cap 0
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi0 adv_1000hdx_cap 0
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi0 adv_autoneg_cap 0
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi0 adv_autoneg_cap 1
(Note) The last two commands above change the Auto-Negotiation setting, then change the
setting back. This causes the Link Status to change, and is required to make the settings
- When the setting change is reflected in hardware (an Auto-Negotiation value being subject to change):
ndd -set /dev/fjgi* param1 value (Change of setting 1)
ndd -set /dev/fjgi* param2 value (Change of setting 2)
: :
ndd -set /dev/fjgi* adv_autoneg_cap N (Let Auto-Negotiation have a different value from the
current value.)
(Note) Please put a decimal number (instance number) in place of the asterisk (*).
example: When changing fjgi0 into 100Full (autonego=0, link_sppd=100, link_mode=1) from a default state (autonego=1,
link_speed=1000, link_mode=1) while Auto-Negotiation had been disabled.
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi adv_1000fdx_cap 0
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi adv_1000hdx_cap 0
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi adv_autoneg_cap 0
(Note) The last command above changes the Auto-Negotiation setting. This causes the Link
Status to change, and is required to make the settings effective.
- The ndd(1M) Command Parameters
The following parameters can be used with the ndd(1M) command.
Parameter Status Meaning
? Read only Display parameter list
link_status Read only
0: Link down
1: Link up
link_speed Read only
10: 10Mbps
100: 100Mbps
1000: 1000Mbps
Read only
0: Half Duplex
1: Full Duplex
autonego Read only
0: Auto-Negotiation is Off.
1: Auto-Negotiation is On.
flow_control Read only
0: None (flow_control disabled)
1: LocSend (Can transmit pause frame only)
2: Rem (Can receive pause frame only)
3: Sym (Can receive and transmit pause frame)
Read only
0: SX (SE0X7GD2X)
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