1. Describe the hostname in the /etc/hostname.aggr1 file.
Example (Hostname is giga-lacp.):
# cat /etc/hostname.aggr1
2. Define the relation between the IP address and the hostname in the /etc/inet/hosts file.
Example (Hostname is giga-lacp and its IP address is
# cat /etc/inet/hosts giga-lacp
3. Reboot the system.
# shutdown -y -g0 -i6
- The following example shows how to create a VLAN interface with the "key=1" LinkAggregation Group (*2).
("IP address=" is assigned to the VLAN interface "aggr2001" of "VID=2".):
# ifconfig aggr2001 plumb up
*2: After rebooting the system, the VLAN interface aggr2001 is not activated.
- The following example shows how to setup the VLAN interface with the "key=1" LinkAggregation Group for activation
after rebooting the system.
("IP address=" is assigned to the VLAN interface "aggr2001" of "VID=2".):
1. Describe the hostname in the /etc/hostname.aggr2001 file.
Example (Hostname is giga-vlan):
# cat /etc/hostname.aggr2001
2. Define the relation between the IP address and the hostname in the /etc/inet/hosts file.
Example (Hostname is giga-vlan and its IP address is
# cat /etc/inet/hosts giga-vlan
3. Reboot the system.
# shutdown -y -g0 -i6
- Solaris 11
- The following example shows how to activate the "aggr-link=aggr1" LinkAggregation Group and start the LinkAggregation
("IP address=" is assigned to the representative interface "aggr1".)
# ifconfig aggr1 plumb up
*3: After rebooting the system, the representative interface aggr1 is not activated.
- The following example shows how to setup the "aggr-link=aggr1" LinkAggregation Group for activation after rebooting
the system.
("IP address=" is assigned to the representative interface "aggr1".):
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