5.5.2 HP LaserJet 5 command set summary HP LaserJet 5 PCL mode
The printer responds to all HP LaserJet 5 control codes and escape sequences the same way as the native printer.
The following listing is in command level sequence:
Control code Description
BS Backspace. Move the cursor left one column (HMI).
HT Horizontal tabulation. Move the cursor to the next horizontal tab stop.
LF Line feed. Move down the cursor one line (VMI).
FF Form feed. Print the current page and move the cursor to the top of the next
CR Carriage return. Move the cursor to the left margin of the current line.
SO Shift out. Select the secondary font.
SI Shift in. Select the primary font.
ESC Begin an escape sequence.
SP Space. Move the cursor right one column (HMI).
Level 1 escape code Description
ESC 9 Clear left and right margins.
ESC E Reset all settings to the defaults and set the PCL mode.
ESC = Half line feed. Move down the cursor half a line.
ESC Y Display functions mode on. Print all codes received.
ESC Z Display functions mode off
ESC z Start the self test function. It is ignored by this printer.
Level 2 escape code Description
ESC ( # @ Select a symbol set or font attributes for the primary font. (#: 0 or 1=default
symbol set, 2=current primary symbol set, 3=default font’s attributes)
ESC ( # Z
Select a symbol set for the primary font. (#Zn: symbol set ID; #: 0 to 2047,
Zn: A-Z, [, \, ], and ^)
ESC ( # X Select the primary font by the font ID. (#: font ID; 0 to 32767)
ESC ) # @ Select a symbol set or font attributes for the secondary font. (#: 0=default
symbol set, 1=default primary symbol set, 2=current primary symbol set,
3=default secondary font’s attributes)
ESC ) # Z
Select a symbol set for the secondary font. (#Zn: symbol set ID; #: 0 to 2047,
Zn: A-Z, [, \, ], and ^)
ESC ) # X Select the secondary font by the font ID. (#: font ID; 0 to 32767)