
Vector Commands
AA Plot (or move along) an arc around the center specified by absolute coordinates.
AR Plot (or move along) an arc around the center specified by relative coordinates.
AT Plot (or move along) an arc through the three points specified by absolute
CI Plot a circle around the current pen position.
PA Plot (or move to) the points specified by absolute coordinates.
PU Pen up. Raise the pen and move to the points specified.
PR Set the relative plot mode and move to the points specified by relative
RT Plot (or move along) an arc through the three points specified by relative
PD Pen down. Lower the pen and plot the points specified.
PE Plot a polyline encoded from parameters of PA, PR, PU, PD, and SP commands
to reduce data.
BR Plot a Bezier curve specified by relative coordinates.
BZ Plot a Bezier curve specified by absolute coordinates.
Polygon Commands
PM Polygon mode on/off.
EP Edge (or outline) the polygon stored in the polygon buffer.
FP Fill the polygon stored in the polygon buffer.
RA Fill (but do not edge) the rectangle specified by absolute coordinates.
RR Fill (but do not edge) the rectangle specified by relative coordinates.
EA Edge (or outline) the rectangle specified by absolute coordinates.
ER Edge (or outline) the rectangle specified by relative coordinates.
WG Fill (but do not edge) a wedge around the current pen position.
EW Edge (or outline) a wedge around the current pen position.
Line and Fill Attributes Select Commands
AC Specify the anchor corner (start point) of the fill pattern by absolute coordinates.
FT Select the type of a fill pattern for an area fill command.
LA Select the line attribute, or the shape of the end or joint of lines.
LT Select the line type, or the lengthwise pattern of lines, and the length the pattern.
PW Specify the width of the logical pen, or the thickness of lines. The unit of pen
width is determined by the WU command.
RF Define the raster fill pattern, or fill pattern created by users dot by dot in matrix.