5-25 HP LaserJet 5 HP-GL/2 mode
The HP-GL/2 mode is useful when using the PrintPartner 20W page printer instead of an HP X-Y plotter or
Picture Frame Set Commands
ESC * c # X Set the horizontal size of the picture frame on the actual physical paper. (#: 1/
720" increments; 0 to 32767)
ESC * c # Y Set the vertical size of the picture frame on the actual physical paper. (#: 1/
720" increments; 0 to 32767)
ESC * c # T Set the anchor point of the picture frame to the current cursor position in PCL6
mode. (#: 0)
ESC * c # K Set the horizontal plot size in HP-GL/2 mode, or assume the horizontal size of
the picture frame in PCL6 mode to be this size. (#: inches; 0 to 32767)
ESC * c # L Set the vertical plot size in HP-GL/2 mode, or assume the vertical size of the
picture frame in PCL6 mode to be this size. (#: inches; 0 to 32767)
ESC * % # B Enter HP-GL/2 mode from PCL6 mode. (#: 0 or even number = the pen
position is set to the last pen position in the last HP-GL/2 mode, 1 or odd
number = the pen position is set to the current cursor position in the current
PCL6 mode)
ESC * % # A Enter PCL6 mode from HP-GL/2 mode. (#: 0 or even number = the cursor
position is set to the last cursor position in the last PCL6 mode, 1 or odd number
= the cursor position is set to the current pen position in the current HP-GL/2
Configuration and Status Set Commands
DF Set defaults to parameters other than scaling points, pen position, pen thickness,
pen up/down state, and rotation in HP-GL/2 mode.
IN Set defaults to all parameters to initialize the plotter.
IP Set (or input) scaling points P1 and P2 with absolute plotter coordinates.
IR Set (or input) scaling points P1 and P2 by the ratios to the picture frame sizes.
IW Set (or input) the window area (soft clipping area).
PG Advance a full page. Not supported by HP LaserJet 5
RO Rotate the coordinate system in 90 degrees.
RP Replot. Not supported by HP LaserJet 5.
SC Scaling on/off. Set the user unit coordinate system or reset to the absolute
plotter unit coordinate system.