M3099GX/GH OEM Manual 3-93
Table 3.76 Endorser Descriptors
7 6 5 3 2 1 0
Endorser Data Identifier
Initial Count
STOP Reserved
Endorser Data Identifier: 00h
The Endorser Data Identifier specifies a Endorser Data previously
sent in SEND command. Endorser Data Identifiers 00h to FEh are
specifiable. If FFh is specified, all of the registered Endorser Data are
selected. This scanner supports 00h, only.
STOP: 0b(Start)/1b(Stop)
STOP bit of zero specifies that specified Endorser Data Identifier
should start printing. STOP bit of one indicates that specified
Endorser Data stop printing.
BACK: 1b(back side)
BACK bit of zero indicates that specified Endorser Data is applied to
front side of the page. BACK bit of one indicates that specified
Endorser Data is applied to back side of the page.
Initial Counts: 0000h to FFFFh (0 to 65535)
Initial Counts specifies initial value of Endorser Data counter. The
endorser counter is 16bit length. Signed or unsigned is defined by
Endorser String. One Endorser Data could have one endorser
counter. Overflow and Underflow will not be detected.
Endorser Data is sent in SEND command to the initiator. If one or
more Endorser Data is specified this data structure is repeated.
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