
M3099GX/GH OEM Manual 3-53
Information: 00000000h(If ILI=0)
The information field is valid when ILI bit is set to 1 for READ
command, the difference of the required length(Transfer Length)
minus the actual length in bytes. (Negative values are indicated by
two’s complement notation)
Additional Sense Length: 0Ah(10 bytes)
This field indicates the number of additional sense bytes to follow. If
the allocation length of the command descriptor block is too small to
transfer all of the additional sense bytes, the additional sense length is
not adjusted to reflect the truncation.
Command Specific Information: 00000000h(not supported)
ASC (Additional Sense Code): This field indicates further
information related to the error or exception condition reported in
the sense key field.
The additional sense code qualifier (ASCQ) indicates detailed
information related to the additional sense code.
Field replaceable unit code: 00h(not supported)
Sense Key specific bytes: 000000h(not supported)
The additional sense bytes field may contain command specific data,
peripheral device specific data, or vendor specific data that further
defines the nature of the CHECK CONDITION status.
#03.pm5 98.2.22, 1:32 PM53