M3099GX/GH OEM Manual 3-13
Bus Settle Delay
The minimum time for wait for the bus to settle after changing
certain control signals as called out in the protocol definitions.
Cable Skew Delay
The maximum difference in propergation time allowed between any
two SCSI bus signals measured between any two SCSI devices.
Data Release Delay
The maximum time for an initiator to release the DATA BUS signals
following the transition of the I/O signals from false to true.
Deskew Delay
The minimum time required for deskew of certain signals.
Disconnection Delay
The minimum time that a target shall wait after releasing BSY before
participating in an ARBITRATION phase when honoring a
DISCONNECT message from the initiator.
Hold Time
The minimum time added between the assertion of REQ(or REQB)
or ACK(or ACKB) and the changing of the data lines to provide
hold time in the initiator or target while using synchronous data
transfers. REQB and ACKB timings only apply to optional wide data
Negation Period
The minimum time that a target shall negate REQ (or REQB) while
using synchronous data transfers. Also, the minimum time that an
initiator shall negate ACK (or ACKB) while using synchronous data
transfers. REQB and ACKB timings only apply to optional wide data
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