CHAPTER2 Dependence Functions
2.3.5 Control by Sequencer
The emulator debugger (MB2198) have a sequencer that controls events. By using this
sequencer it is possible to exercise break control while focusing on a certain program
flow (sequence). The break generated by this function is called a sequential break.
■ Control by Sequencer
The emulator debugger (MB2198) can have two types of sequencers depending on whether the external
trace bus interface is provided for evaluation chips. The specifications for the two types of sequencers are
summarized in Table 2.3-4 and Table 2.3-5 .
Table 2.3-5 shows the basic sequencer that is incorporated in all the DSU3/DSU4 evaluation chips. This
type of sequencer is subdivided into a code event sequencer and data event sequencer. This function
cannot be used only when the FR60Lite is used.
Table 2.3-4 shows a 3-level sequencer based on the real-time monitoring bus interface. Level changes
occur sequentially from Level 1 through Level 2 to Level 3. One event can be specified as a sequencer
restart condition.
This function can be used only when the FR60Lite or FR80S is used.
Table 2.3-4 Sequencer Specifications (common)
Function Specifications
Number of levels 2 levels
One-level conditions Event-1 conditions (A pass count setting of 1 to 255
can be specified for each condition.)
Restart conditions None
Operation performed when conditions established Branching to next level or terminating sequencer
Other function The OR conditions can be specified separately for
code events and data events.
Table 2.3-5 Sequencer Specifications (Real-time Monitoring Bus Interface Only)
Function Specifications
Number of levels 3 levels + restart conditions
One-level conditions Event -1 conditions (A pass count setting of 1 to
16,777,215 can be specified for each condition.)
Restart conditions Event -1 conditions (A pass count setting of 1 to
16,777,215 can be specified.)
Operation performed when conditions established Branching to any level or terminating sequencer