CHAPTER2 Dependence Functions Measuring the Program Execution Cycle Count
This section explains the function of measuring the number of program execution
■ Measurement Items
This function measures the number of program execution cycles or real-time. The measurement is
performed whenever a program is executed, and the measurement result displays the following values:
The measurement is performed whenever a program is executed, and the measurement result displays the
following two values:
- The number of execution cycles or real-time for the previous program execution
The maximum number of cycles that can be measured is 288,230,376,151,711,743 (2 to the power of
58 - 1).
- The total number of execution cycles or real-time after the previous clear operation
The maximum number of cycles that can be measured is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (2 to the power
of 64 - 1).
- Real-time measurement resolution
This depends on the execution cycle conversion frequency set for measurement unit. For details, refer
to " Performance (Emulator Debugger [MB2100-01])" of "SOFTUNE Workbench Operation
■ Displaying Measurement Results
Either of the following methods can be used to display the measurement results.
• Dialog
- Time Measurement Dialog
For details, refer to "4.6.8 Time Measurement" of "SOFTUNE Workbench Operation Manual".
• Command
For details, refer to "4.27 SHOW TIMER" of "SOFTUNE Workbench Command Reference
■ Clearing Measurement Results
Either of the following methods can be used to clear the measurement results.
• Dialog
- Time Measurement Clearing Dialog
For details, refer to "4.6.8 Time Measurement" of "SOFTUNE Workbench Operation Manual".
• Command
For details, refer to "4.28 CLEAR TIMER" of "SOFTUNE Workbench Command Reference