CHAPTER2 Dependence Functions
2.3.10 Power-on Debugging
This section explains power-on debugging.
■ Power-on debugging
The emulator debugger (MB2198) provides power-on debugging function. This emulator can debug the
sequence performed immediately after target system power-on.
The power-on debugging procedure is described below:
1. Set the DIP switch on the adapter board mounted in the upper section of the emulator.
2. Power on the target board and emulator main unit.
3. Launch Workbench to start debugging.
- For debugging, set hardware breaks, etc.
4. To start power-on debugging, choose [Debug]-[Run]-[Power On Debug] menu.
Input the lower volt in the power supply voltage setting dialog.
- The status bar then displays "PON".
5. Run the program.
6. Power the target board off while running and then power on again.
7. Execute debugging.
8. To quit power-on debugging, choose [Debug]-[Run]-[Power On Debug] menu.
• The following condition is necessary to turn the target board off for power-on debugging.
- Equal to or less than 25s while user power supply descends from 0.9V
to 0.5V
- CPU frequency must higher than 1MHz
• This function may not be used depending on the type of evaluation MCU. For details, contact
sales department or support department.