User's Manual5-36
Table 5.6 CONFIG Items and Options (Cont.)
NOTE: Underlined options are the factory defaults.
CONFIG Items Options Description
<TEARPOS> Note: For both settings, tearoff
positioning will fail if the page
length setting does not match the
actual perforation spacing.
The following <TEAR-EN> item is printed when TEAROFF:AUTO
is specified for the <TEAROFF> item.
Tearoff enabled time (offset time).
0 sec
The offset time is from when data
1 sec
transfer stops to when the printer
2 sec
performs automatic tearoff feed.
4 sec
If the printer receives data again
6 sec
within the offset time, the printer does
not perform automatic tearoff feed.
In some application programs, data
transfer may stop temporarily due
to internal processing. This setting
can avoid an undesired tearoff feed by
waiting for up to six seconds each
time data transfer stops.