User's Manual
Paper thickness Up to 0.65 mm (0.025 inch)
Paper length
By software Programmable in one line or inch
increments in all emulations
By control panel Depends upon emulations. Default is 11
inches for all emulations.
DPL24C+/XL24E:3, 3.5, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 8.5, 11, 11.6, 12, 14,
or 18 inches
ESC/P2:4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, ..., 11, 11.5, ..., 22 inches
Number of copies Up to 5, including the original (normal
Up to 8, including the original (multi
copy mode)
Paper stack
Cut sheet 100 sheets (A4 size, 1p, 55 kg/m
(The stack of cut sheets may decrease,
depending upon the various paper
conditions such as quality, the extent of
curl, and storage environment.)
Command sets (emulations)
Resident Fujitsu DPL24C PLUS
IBM Proprinter XL24E
Epson ESC/P2
Character sets
DPL24C+/XL24E:•IBM PC character sets 1 and 2 (code
pages 437)
•IBM PS/2 character sets (code pages)
and other national character sets
(56 languages in total)
•Fujitsu character sets (692 characters)
ESC/P2:•Italic character set
Graphics character sets 1 and 2
•IBM PS/2 character sets (code pages )
and other national character sets
(58 languages in total)