User's Manual GL-3
The grid used to print characters on a dot matrix printer. Each
dot corresponds to a wire in the print head.
Transferring soft fonts from the computer to the printer’s
memory. Downloading allows you to use fonts not resident in
the computer.
Dots per inch.
A command set that allows one printer to print like another
printer. This printer has three resident emulations: Fujitsu
DPL24C PLUS (native command set), IBM proprinter XL24E,
and Epson ESC/P2.
The settings that are programmed into a printer at the factory.
The printer uses these settings unless they are replaced by user
settings selected from the control panel or through application
A complete set of printable characters having the same size
and style. For example, Courier 10 and Prestige Elite 12 are
commonly used fonts.
A signal to the printer to advance the paper forward one page.
Form feeds can be executed either by your software or by
holding down the LF/FF button on the printer control panel.
The feeding of paper through the tractor unit attached at the
front of the printer.
Controlling the print head wires (dots) individually to produce
a picture or an image on the page.
A base-16 numbering system (also commonly referred to as
hex numbers). Since a base-16 system requires 16 digits,
numbers 0 through 9 and letters A through F are used.
Expressing binary numbers in hexadecimal uses fewer digits.
Dot matrix
Factory default
Form feed (FF)
Front feed
Graphics printing