
DSO name
For the DSO name, specify up to 36 alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic character.
The DSO name must be unique within the database.
Key specification
Specify the table name for which the index is to be created and the list of column names forming the index.
Table name
Specify the name of the base table for which the storage format is to be defined. The table name must be qualified by
the schema name.
Column name list
Specify the column names for which the index is to be created. Table: Data types of columns that can be specified for
the column name list of an index shows the data types of the columns that can be specified for the column name list of
an index.
[Table: Data types of columns that can be specified for the column name list of an index]
Data structure
Specify information about the data structure to be used when index data is stored. Only BTREE can be specified.