
If DEFAULT_DSI_TYPE is specified for the operating environment file, this specification has the same meaning as of
the definition below.
The table storage structure is defined as follows.
Storage structure:
If the table format does not satisfy the conditions listed below, specify SEQUENTIAL as the storage structure.
If the table format satisfies all the conditions listed below, specify OBJECT as the storage structure. If
necessary, the OBJECT structure can be changed to SEQUENTIAL structure by specifying
DEFAULT_DSI_TYPE for the operating environment file. If this parameter is omitted, OBJECT is assumed to
have been specified.
· Only one BLOB-type column is specified at the end of a table with a size of 32 kilobytes or more.
· Columns other than BLOB-type columns have the fixed-length attribute.
· The NOT NULL restriction is specified for the BLOB-type column.
Page size of data part:
Specify the page size defined in DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE of the operating environment file in the
SEQUENTIAL structure. The page size should be 32 kilobytes.
In the OBJECT structure, specify a page size of 32 kilobytes.
Allocated size of data part:
For the SEQUENTIAL structure, specify the allocated size of the table data storage area defined in
DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE of the operating environment file. Reserve a sufficient value, taking into account the
amount of data to be handled.
For the OBJECT structure, specify the allocated size of the table data storage area defined in