If DEFAULT_DSI_NAME=CODE is specified in the system operating environment file, however, table DSO and DSI
are named with a 10-diit figure determined by the system.
Examples are given below.
Example 1:
When the schema and table names are character strings
Example 2:
If DEFAULT_DSI_NAME=CODE is specified in the system operating environment file
Table storage structure
The table storage structure becomes as follows: Note that these are automatically defined by SymfoWARE/RDB.
Storage structure:
SEQUENTIAL structure
Data part page size:
4 kilobytes
Data part allocation size:
256 kilobytes
Area reuse specification:
For information about the storage structure, see "2.7 Storage structure definition."
2.9.2 Table definition for multimedia data storage
For a multimedia data storage table, specification of the storage area, and naming a table DSO and DSI are the same
as that for a table of characters and numeric values. The following example is a storage area specification for a table
that is to storage multimedia data and its table storage structure. For information about specifying the table DSO and
table DSI names, see 2.6.2 "Table definition."
Storage area specification for a table that is to storage multimedia data