C120-E360-06EN vii
Prompt Notations
The prompt notations used in this manual are as follows
Syntax of the Command-Line Interface (CLI)
The command syntax is described below.
Command syntax
The command syntax is as follows:
z A variable that requires input of a value must be enclosed in <>.
z An optional element must be enclosed in [ ].
z A group of options for an optional keyword must be enclosed in [ ] and delimited
by |.
z A group of options for a mandatory keyword must be enclosed in {} and delimited
by |.
Fonts/symbols Meaning Examples
AaBbCc123 What you type, when contrasted
with on-screen computer
This font represents the
example of command input in
the frame.
XSCF> adduser jsmith
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen
computer output.
This font represents the
example of command output in
the frame.
XSCF> showuser -p
User Name: jsmith
Privileges: useradm
Italic font Indicates the name of a
reference manual.
See the XSCF Reference Manual.
" " Indicates names of chapters,
sections, items, buttons, or
See Chapter 2, "Setup of the RCI for
Shell Prompt Notations
C shell machine-name%
C shell super user machine-name#
Bourne shell and Korn shell $
Bourne shell and Korn shell super user #
OpenBoot PROM ok