3-10 C120-E360-06EN
CHAPTER 3 Command Reference
EXAMPLE 1: Makes the setting of external power control.
The following exit values are returned:
XSCF> setrcic -c exrdy 003001ff 10
The command completed successfully.
XSCF> setrcic -c exrdy 003001ff
address:003001ff exrdy:10 min
The command completed successfully.
XSCF> setrcic -c opcallon 003001ff 0c
The command completed successfully.
XSCF> setrcic -c opcalldisp 003001ff
address:003001ff callNo:0c
The command completed successfully.
XSCF> setrcic -c opcalloff 003001ff 0c
The command completed successfully.
XSCF> setrcic -c opcalldisp 003001ff
address:003001ff callNo:00
The command completed successfully.
0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.