
3-8 C120-E360-06EN
CHAPTER 3 Command Reference
3.2 setrcic
setrcic - make the setting of an external power control device or display its status.
setrcic -c exrdy RCI_address [ time]
setrcic -c opcalldisp RCI_address
setrcic -c opcallon RCI_address callNo
setrcic -c opcalloff RCI_address callNo
setrcic -h
The setrcic(8) command makes the setting of an external power control device or
displays its status.
The following can be set or displayed: Multiple items cannot be set at a time.
You must have platadm or fieldeng privileges to run this command.
Refer to setprivileges(8) for more information.
exrdy Sets or displays the EXRDY monitoring timeout periods of the specified
external power control devices. If the setting is inconsistent with the
external equipment wait time, an error occurs.
opcalldisp Displays the status of the operator call signal of the specified external
power control devices.
opcallon Sets the operator call signals of the specified external power control
devices on.
opcalloff Sets the operator call signals of the specified external power control
devices off.