
D.2 Supplement
This section explains the corrections to be made in the M3096G OEM Manual.
D.2.1 Unified terminology
The table below lists the terminology to be modified.
No. M3096G M3097G Remarks
1 Binary monochrome Line art
2 Dithered monochrome Halftone
3 Multi>bit Gray scale
4 Outline Outline extraction Set window parameter byte 2A
5 Emphasis Image emphasis Set window parameter byte 2B
6 Mixed scan Automatic separation Set window parameter byte 2C
7 Mirroring Mirror image Set window parameter byte 2d
Set window parameter byte 19
These modifications will be applied to M3096G OEM Manual later.
D.2.2 Corrections
The table below lists the items missing from the M3096G OEM Manual.
- Byte 32: White level follower mode.
Value (Hex) Meaning
00 Default. White level follower depends on the image composition.
01 to 7F Reserved
80 Enables white level follower. (line mode)
81 to BF Reserved
C0 Disable white level follower. (photo mode)
C1 to FF Reserved
Image composition White level follower
Line art (Xπ00π) Enable (line mode)
Halftone (Xπ01π) Disable(photo mode)
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