
b. Count: bytes 2 to 4
This scanner does not support this field. If a value other than 0 is specified, this
scanner returns the following error information:
f Status: B©00001π (CHECK CONDITION)
f Sense key: X©5π (ILLEGAL REQUEST)
(2) Response
This scanner reports the OBJECT POSITION command as follows:
a. Normal
The GOOD status is returned.
f Status: B©00000π (GOOD)
f Sense key: X©0π (NO SENSE)
b. Abnormal
The CHECK CONDITION status is returned and sense data is created.
f Status: B©00001π (CHECK CONDITION)
f Send key: X©3π (MEDIUM ERROR)
(The cause of the error is jammed paper, an opened ADF cover, or an empty
paper supply.)
4 $ 66