- Byte2E: Variance rate for simplified DTC.
Value (Hex) Meaning
00 Default
01 to 1F Variance rate is small
20 to 3F Variance rate is
40 to 5F Variance rate is
60 to 7F Variance rate is
80 to 9F Variance rate is normal
A0 to BF Variance rate is
C0 to DF Variance rate is
E0 to FF Variance rate is large
D.2.3 Notes on compatibility
D.2.3.1 Resolution
- M3096G: With installation of the IPC option, resolution is specifiable as a
number from 100 dpi to 1600 dpi in units of 4 dpi. If the specified
value cannot be divided by 4, the fractional part (remainder) is
Example: If the specified value is ™203 dpi∫, processing is executed
at 200 dpi for the M3096G scanner.
- M3097G: With installation of the IPC II option, resolution is specifiable as a
number from 50 dpi to 1600 dpi in units of one dpi.
- Note:
If the specified value in the installation of the M3096G cannot be divided by 4,
the value must be specified as a number that can be divided by 4 when
installing the M3097G scanner.
- Supplement
When neither the IPC nor IPC II option is installed in the M3096G or M3097G
scanner, only 200 dpi, 240 dpi, 300 dpi, or 400 dpi can be specified.
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