
xxiv SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers Administration Guide November 2007
Syntax of the Command Line Interface
The command syntax is described below.
Command syntax
The command syntax is as follows:
A variable that requires input of a value must be enclosed in <>.
An optional element must be enclosed in [ ].
A group of options for an optional keyword must be enclosed in [ ] and delimited
by |.
A group of options for a mandatory keyword must be enclosed in {} and
delimited by |.
The command syntax is shown in a frame such as this one.
Software License
The function to explain in this manual uses the softwares of GPL, LGPL and others.
For the information of the license, see Appendix E, "Software License Condition" in
SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF User’s Guide
XSCF> showuser -l