52 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers Administration Guide • November 2007
The number of domains allowed depends on which midrange or high-end server
model you have. The default is one domain and the maximum number of domains is
24. Each domain is identified with a domain ID number, with the default domain as
TABLE 4-1 shows the maximum number of system boards, the maximum number of
domains, and the domain ID number range by server model.
Domains can be set up to include both Uni-XSBs and Quad-XSBs.
FIGURE 4-5 shows
two XSBs in Uni-XSB mode (left side of figure) and two XSBs in Quad-XSB mode
(right side of figure) on a high-end server; the partition of these boards into three
Solaris domains is shown by shading.
TABLE 4-1 Boards, Domains, and Domain ID Numbers
Server Model Maximum Physical
System Boards
Maximum Domains Domain ID Number
M9000 + expansion unit 16 24 0-23
M9000 8 24 0-23
M8000 4 16 0-15
M5000 2 4 0-3
M4000 1 2 0-1