12.3 Structure of LCD Controller/Driver
This section describes the pins, pin block diagrams, registers, and display RAM of the
LCD controller/driver.
■ LCD controller/driver pins
The LCD controller/driver uses 4 common output pins (COM0 to COM3), 42 segment output pin (SEG0 to
SEG41), and 3 LCD driving power supply pins (V1 to V3).
COM0, COM1, COM2, and COM3 pins
COM0 to COM3 can function LCD common output pins (COM0 to COM3).
SEG0 to SEG19, P00/SEG20 to P07/SEG27, P10/SEG28 to P17/SEG35 and P20/SEG36 to P25/
P00/SEG20 to P07/SEG27, P10/SEG28 to P17/SEG35 and P20/SEG36 to P25/SEG41 pins can function
either as N-ch open-drain I/O ports (P00 to P07, P10 to P17 and P20 to P25) and LCD segment output pins
(SEG20 to SEG41). The selection, however is made as a mask option.
When these pins are used as LCD segment outputs, the corresponding port data registers (PDR0, PDR1
and PDR2) should be set to all "1" to turn the output transistors "OFF".
P32/V1, P33/V2 and V3
V1, V2 and V3 pins are the LCD driving power supply pins. The P32/V1 and P33/V2 can function either as
N-ch open-drain I/O ports (P32 and P33) and LCD driving power supply pins (V1 and V2). The selection,
however is made by setting LCDR: PSEL bit.