■ Symbols used with Instructions
Table B.1-1 "Symbols in the instruction list" lists the symbols used in the instruction code descriptions in
Appendix B.
Table B.1-1 Symbols in the instruction list
Symbol Meaning
dir Direct address (8 bits)
off Offset (8 bits)
ext Extended address (16 bits)
#vct Vector table number (3 bits)
#d8 Immediate data (8 bits)
#d16 Immediate data (16 bits)
dir:16 Bit direct address (8 bits:3 bits)
rel Branch relative address (8 bits)
@ Register indirect addressing (examples: @A, @IX, @EP)
A Accumulator (8 or 16 bits, which are determined depending on the instruction being used)
AH Higher 8 bits of the accumulator (8 bits)
AL Lower 8 bits of the accumulator (8 bits)
T Temporary accumulator (8 or 16 bits, which are determined depending on the instruction being used)
TH Higher 8 bits of the temporary accumulator (8 bits)
TL Lower 8 bits of the temporary accumulator (8 bits)
IX Index register (16 bits)
EP Extra pointer (16 bits)
PC Program counter (16 bits)
SP Stack pointer (16 bits)
PS Program status (16 bits)
dr Either accumulator or index register (16 bits)
CCR Condition code register (8 bits)
RP Register bank pointer (5 bits)
Ri General-purpose register (8 bits, i = 0 to 7)
X X is immediate data (8 or 16 bits, which are determined depending on the instruction being used).
(X) The content of X is to be accessed (8 or 16 bits, which are determined depending on the instruction being
((X)) The address indicated by the X is to be accessed (8 or 16 bits, which are determined depending on the
instruction being used).