
Chapter 3 Startup and Shutdown
P2X0-0202-01EN ETERNUSmgr User Guide -Introduction-
All Rights Reserved, Copyright © FUJITSU LIMITED 2007
3.1.2 Shutting Down ETERNUSmgr
Perform the following to shutdown ETERNUSmgr for Solaris OS and Linux:
1 Become the superuser.
# su
2 Execute the execution control script with the start option:
# /opt/FJSVgrmgr/stxpoll stop
3 Confirm the daemon is no longer running:
# ps -e | grep stxpolld
(No display)
If you do not have authorization to become the superuser, consult with the server administrator.
3.1.3 Setting the ETERNUSmgr Daemon for Automatic Startup
The example below shows how to register the daemon for a Solaris OS installed server. The daemon regis-
tration location and registration method may vary according to the settings of each server (registration
location will vary according to the run level in use). Therefore, refer to "1.7 Daemon Registration" in the
"ETERNUSmgr Install Guide for Linux" when using Linux operating environments.
Consult with the server administrator before registering the daemon.
Solaris OE example
1 Become the superuser.
# su
2 Copy the execution control script to the /etc/init.d/ directory:
# cp /opt/FJSVgrmgr/stxpoll /etc/init.d/
3 Create a link to the appropriate rc*.d directory:
# ln -s /etc/init.d/stxpoll /etc/rc2.d/Snnstxpoll (nn is a number.)
nn in Snnstxpoll shows the order of priority. Set the priority sequence. Consult with the server administra-
tor before making this setting.
# ln -s /etc/init.d/stxpoll /etc/rc2.d/S98stxpoll
From the next startup of Solaris OS and Linux the ETERNUSmgr daemon will start automatically. Refer
to "3.1.2 Shutting Down ETERNUSmgr" (page 33)
for details on how to manually shut down ETER-