
Chapter 6 Messages
P2X0-0202-01EN ETERNUSmgr User Guide -Introduction-
All Rights Reserved, Copyright © FUJITSU LIMITED 2007
Can't Erase File "file name" (CODE 305)
[Explanation] Failed to delete a file.
[Response] Confirm your access permissions to the file and its directory. If the file you wish to
erase does not exist, there is no problem.
Get Status Failed "server:port/path" (CODE 306)
[Explanation] Failed to obtain the machine status.
[Response] Check the target device operating status, LAN connection, and LAN status.
Send Data Failed "server:port/path" (CODE 307)
[Explanation] Failed to communicate with the target device
(ETERNUSmgr target).
[Response] Check the target device operating status, LAN connection, and LAN status.
Receive Data Failed "server:port/path" (CODE 308)
[Explanation] Failed to communicate with the target device (target ETERNUSmgr)
[Response] Check the target device operating status, LAN connection, and LAN status.
Can't update hardware status (CODE 309)
[Explanation] ETERNUSmgr failed to write the status of the target device onto "menu.htm".
[Response] Check your access permissions to "menu.htm".
Check to see if "menu.htm" is being edited while ETERNUSmgr is in operation.
Fatal Error Messages (CODE 9XX)
Can't Create File "file name" (CODE 901)
[Explanation] Failed to create a new file.
[Response] Confirm your access permissions to the directory in which the file is to be created.
Check to see if there is enough space to save the file.
Can't Open File "file name" (CODE 902)
[Explanation] Failed to open a file.
[Response] Confirm your access permissions to the file.
Can't Get File Status "file name" (CODE 903)
[Explanation] Cannot acquire file status.
[Response] Confirm your access permissions to the file and its directory.
Can't Create Socket (CODE 904)
[Explanation] Failed to create a socket.
[Response] Confirm system resources.