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6.3 E-mail Messages
ETERNUSmgr User Guide -Introduction- P2X0-0202-01EN
When "SYSYTEMERR(XXXXXXXX)" (XXXXXXXX is an error code) is dis-
played, contact your maintenance engineer.
"When a message such as "<Component>#<Serial Number>:<Status>" is dis-
played, it indicates a device component and the status. Check the details, and con-
tact your maintenance engineer.
When "Hardware Status was changed. See below..." is displayed, the following message may also be dis-
played to indicate the location and status of the affected component.
Indicates the relevant component of the target device. Components vary depending on Target Type,
however they are generally as follows:
- ControllerEnclosure
- DriveEnclosure
- BatteryEnclosure
- RCICable
- DEICable
- BatteryUnit
- BatteryChargerUnit
See "1.2 ETERNUSmgr Functions" (page 4) for details of which components of each
device are monitored.
Serial number
Indicates the index number of the component. This may differ according to the type of target
device, however it is generally in the form of "#nn" or "#nnnn". Some components have no serial
numbers, and some always return "#00" or "#0000".
The following component status conditions are possible:
- ALARM A failure has occurred (all components)
- WARNING Warning (all components)
- BTU-CAUTION Battery replacement limit exceeded (Controller Enclosure, and
Battery Enclosure)
- BTU-WARNING Less than six months to battery replacement limit (Controller
Enclosure, Battery Enclosure, and Battery Unit)
FC cables of ETERNUS3000, ETERNUS GR710, GR720, and GR730 have no WARN-
ING status.
<Component>#<Serial Number>:<Status>