3.2 Environment Setting
3.2 Environment Setting
This section explains how to edit the necessary file to configure the operating environment
of the FUJITSU PCI GigabitEthernet interface.
In TCP/IP (IPv4 or IPv6) protocol, edit the following information must be setup.
Configuring the Hostname file
● Hostname Definition
Netmask Value Definition
3.2.1 Configuring the Hostname File
1. To use the GigabitEthernet interface as an IPv4 interface:
Allocate an IP address or hostname for the fjgi driver by editing the
/etc/hostname.fjgi* file (where * is a numerical value). About netmask value, please
see "
3.2.3 Netmask Value
Example /etc/hostname.fjgi* file:
Define a unique hostname:
Or define the IP address:
Note 1: Please put a decimal number (instance number) into *.
See section "
3.4 Discernment Of the GigabitEthernet Interface
" for detailed
information about instance number.
Note 2: See section "
3.2.2 Hostname Definition
" for detailed information about
defining the hostname.
Note 3: Please put in neither a blank nor a empty line behind an IP address. If a
blank or a empty line enter, it will not be activated at the time of main part
equipment starting.
2. To use the GigabitEthernet interface as an IPv6 interface:
Allocate an IP address and prefix for the fjgi driver by editing the
/etc/hostname6.fjgi* file (where * is a numerical value).
Example /etc/hostname6.fjgi* file:
Define a unique hostname:
addif giga-v6/120 up
Note: See section "
3.2.2 Hostname
" for detailed information about
defining the hostname.
3. To use the GigabitEthernet interface as a VLAN interface:
See section "
3.6.2 How to create the VLAN interface
", and after defining the VLAN
name, follow steps 1 or 2 above.
3.2.2 Hostname Definition
Define an IP address with a unique hostname.
1. To use the GigabitEthernet interface as an IPv4 interface:
Add the IPv4 address and hostname to the /etc/hosts file.