
3.3 Operation Mode Setup
ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'instance' value (Instance number "value" of an applicable
interface is specified.)
ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'param1' value (Change 1 of a setup)
ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'param2' value (Change 2 of a setup)
: :
ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'adv_autoneg_cap' N (Once let Auto-Negotiation be a different
value from the present condition.)
ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'adv_autoneg_cap' M (Auto-Negotiation is returned to the
original value.)
example) While Auto-Negotiation had been enabled, when changing fjgi0 into 100Half
(Autonego=1, link_sppd=100, link_mode=0) from a default state (Autonego=1,
link_speed=1000, link_mode=1)
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'instance' 0
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'adv_1000fdx_cap' 0
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'adv_1000hdx_cap' 0
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'adv_100fdx_cap' 0
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'adv_autoneg_cap' 0
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'adv_autoneg_cap' 1
(Note) Please perform change and sending back of Auto-Negotiation at the end.
When setting change is reflected (an Auto-Negotiation value being subject to
ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'instance' value (Instance number "value" of an
applicable interface is specified.)
ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'param1' value (Change 1 of a setup)
ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'param2' value (Change 2 of a setup)
: :
ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'adv_autoneg_cap' N (Let Auto-Negotiation be a different value
from the present condition.)
exapmle) When fjgi0 is changed into the state of 100Full where Auto-Negotiation was
disabled, from the state of 100Half (Autonego=1, link_sppd=100,
link_mode=0) where Auto-Negotiation was enabled
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'instance' 0
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'adv_100fdx_cap' 1
# ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'adv_autoneg_cap' 0
(Note) Please make a change of Auto-Negotiation at the end.
● The following parameters can be used with the ndd command:
parameter status meaning
? Read only Display parameter list