Index 211
power supply
about, 129
AC Present LED, 19, 135
Fault LED, 21, 131
FRU name, 136, 187, 201
Power Supply Fault (system LED)
interpreting to diagnose faults, 21
using to verify successful power supply
replacement, 135
powercycle command, 27, 39
poweron command, 27
power-on self-test (POST)
about, 35
components disabled by, 50
fault clearing, 41
faults detected by, 19
faulty components detected by, 41
troubleshooting with, 20
using for fault diagnosis, 19
Predictive Self-Healing (PSH)
clearing faults, 47
faults detected by, 19
memory faults, 82
see Predictive Self-Healing (PSH)
rear panel PCI cross beam
removing, 102, 103
removefru command, 27
rear panel PCI cross beam, 102, 103
top cover, 67
reset command, 27
reset, system
using ILOM, 39
using POST commands, 39
resetsc command, 27
SCC module
FRU name, 183, 197
installing, 116
service processor prompt, 61
Service Required (system LED), 22
cleared by enablecomponent command, 42
interpreting to diagnose faults, 21, 22
triggered by ILOM, 23
set command
and component_state property, 42
setdate command, 114
setkeyswitch parameter, 27, 93
setlocator command, 28, 63
setscn command, 187
show faulty command, 28
and Service Required LED, 22
using to check for faults, 19
showcomponent command, 51
showenvironment command, 28
showfaults command
syntax, 28
showfru command, 28
showkeyswitch command, 28
showlocator command, 28
showlogs command, 28
showplatform command, 28
using powercycle command (graceful
shutdown), 27
using powercycle -f command (emergency
shutdown), 27
using poweroff -f command (immediate
shutdown), 27
using poweroff -y command (skip
confirmation question), 27
slide rail latch, 63
Solaris log files, 19
Solaris OS
checking log files for fault information, 19
Solaris Predictive Self-Healing (PSH)
see Predictive Self-Healing (PSH)
stop /SYS (ILOM command), 61
tests, 55
user interfaces, 55
using for fault diagnosis, 19
system components
see components
top cover