
36 SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Service Manual July 2009
Note The value of keyswitch_state must be normal when individual POST
parameters are changed.
The following flowchart is a graphic illustration of the same set of ILOM set
command variables.
TABLE: ILOM Properties Used to Manage POST Operations
Parameter Values Description
keyswitch_state normal The system can power on and run POST (based
on the other parameter settings). This parameter
overrides all other commands.
diag The system runs POST based on predetermined
stby The system cannot power on.
locked The system can power on and run POST, but no
flash updates can be made.
diag_mode off POST does not run.
normal Runs POST according to diag_level value.
service Runs POST with preset values for diag_level
and diag_verbosity.
diag_level max If diag_mode = normal, runs all the minimum
tests plus extensive processor and memory tests.
min If diag_mode = normal, runs minimum set of
diag_trigger none Does not run POST on reset.
user_reset Runs POST upon user initiated resets.
power_on_reset Only runs POST for the first power on. This
option is the default.
error_reset Runs POST if fatal errors are detected.
all_resets Runs POST after any reset.
diag_verbosity none No POST output is displayed.
min POST output displays functional tests with a
banner and pinwheel.
normal POST output displays all test and informational
max POST displays all test, informational, and some
debugging messages.