Detecting and Managing Faults 53
Detecting Faults Using SunVTS Software
This topic explains in general terms how to use SunVTS software to exercise system
components. For detailed instructions on using SunVTS software, see the latest
version of the SunVTS Software User’s Guide and any associated Release Notes.
■ “Run the SunVTS Software” on page 54
▼ Run the SunVTS Software
The following procedure description is based on use of the SunVTS software’s
browser interface, which is the default interface. SunVTS software also supports a
TTY user interface and a command-line interface (CLI). All three interfaces are
described in the SunVTS Software User’s Guide.
1. Start the agent and Javabridge on the server.
2. At the interface prompt, choose C to start the SunVTS client.
3. Start SunVTS browser environment from a web browser on the client system.
In the browser’s address field type: http://servername:6789.
This causes the SunVTS browser interface to be displayed.
# cd /usr/sunvts/bin
# ./startsunvts