
Introduction SSL
130 U929-J-Z125-9-76
5.1.1 Methods of physical representation of the logical data structure
The physical representation of the entirety of
Using the SSL, the user determines if and how a pointer array, list, chain, sort key table or
SEARCH key table is to be set up. A description of these elements can be found on
page 144.
UDS/SQL automatically sets up a DBTT without user intervention.
A description of the DBTT follows.
all records of a record type:
(Database Key Translation Table)
Table representing all records of a record
type and linking all owner records to the
tables of their set occurrences.
Record SEARCH key table Table representing all records of a record
all records of a set occurrence:
Pointer array
Sort key table
Set SEARCH key table
Tables representing all member records
of a set occurrence
List Table containing all member records of a
set occurrence
Chain Contains owner record and all member
records of a set occurrence