SSL Population
U929-J-Z125-9-76 141
Dokuschablonen 19x24 Version 7.3us für FrameMaker V7.x vom 14.02.2007 © cognitas GmbH 2001-2007
24. Oktober 2007 Stand 08:58.55 Pfad: G:\vogt\fsc\uds\Manuale\en\udsent_e\udsent.k05
When storing an owner record, UDS/SQL reserves:
– the calculated storage space, if it is smaller than one page,
– one page, if the calculated storage space is greater than one page.
for each table belonging to the associated set occurrence.
In the case of SYSTEM sets, UDS/SQL reserves exactly one database page for each table,
regardless of the POPULATION clause.
Table extensions
UDS/SQL automatically extends pointer arrays, lists, sort key tables and set SEARCH key
tables if the need arises when member records are stored. In order to avoid frequent table
extensions, the user can control table size using the following specification in the set
POPULATION IS integer-1 INCREASE IS integer-2
integer-2 specifies the number of table lines to be added with the first two table extensions.
Following the second extension, integer-2 * 2
(nïnumber of extensions) table lines are
added until there is no more space for a further table line. If data other than that belonging
to the table is contained in the page, preventing the table from being extended, a subse-
quent table extension includes the relocation of the table. In this case, UDS/SQL makes
available a page large enough to accommodate the table and its desired extension.
For table extensions beyond the first table page, integer-2 no longer has any effect (see the
section “Defining the extent of table reorganization desired” on page 172).
The default value for integer-2 is 1.
Storage space requirements for member records
This only applies to member records which are not included in a list. When the owner is
stored, UDS/SQL reserves space for its member records if the PLACEMENT
OPTIMIZATION clause is defined for the member record type (see the section
“PLACEMENT OPTIMIZATION” on page 165). In this case, UDS/SQL uses the entry in
the set occurrence population clause to calculate the storage space requirement for the
member records.