P Glossary
286 U929-J-Z125-9-76
page container
Pages with a length of 4000 or 8096 bytes are embedded in a so-called page
container, which consists of a 64-byte header that precedes the page and a
32-byte trailer at the end of the page.
page header (page info)
The first 20 bytes of a database page (except for the FPA and DBTT pages with a
length of 2048 bytes). They contain:
–the act-key of the page itself,
– the number of page index entries
– the length and displacement of the bytes which are still vacant in this page.
– the page type (ACT-Key-0 page, FPA page, DBTT page, DBTT anchor page,
normal data page or CALC page)
page index entry
Indicates the position of a record within a page.
page number
In each realm the pages are numbered consecutively in ascending order starting
starting from 0. The page number is part of the page address.
Page number = PAM page number -1 for databases with a page length of 2048
Page number = (PAM page number-1) / 2 for databases with a page length of
4000 bytes
Page number = (PAM page number-1) / 4 for databases with a page length of
8096 bytes.
password for UDS/SQL files
Password serving to protect the files created by UDS/SQL (default: C’UDS
The DB administrator can define other passwords with PP CATPASS or
Symbolic representation of all possible item contents, used at item definition.
pattern string
String defining a pattern.