2. In the System Condition window, select the Tree Display tab.
The configuration of L-Platforms used by tenant users is displayed in the tree at the left.
At View, the "L-Platform" showing a tree configuration is displayed as fixed. At Record, "Observed" - indicating the record type
- is displayed as fixed.
3. From the tree at the left, select the L-Platform for which to display the system condition.
The selected L-Platform is displayed in the CI list on the right.
If the "L-Platform" folder is selected in the tree, all L-Platforms under the folder are displayed in the CI list.
If an L-Server is selected in the tree, information about the selected server is displayed in the CI list.
The L-Platforms and L-Servers under each folder in the tree are displayed in descending order based on their update date and
4. Select an L-Platform in the CI list, and then click the Show Graph button.
The system condition is displayed in the lower part of the CI list. Refer to "3.2.1 System Condition Display" for details on the
displayed system condition.
The table below explains the displayed items.
GID Displays the identifier set by the system to identify the configuration item.
If the CI list GID link is clicked, the configuration information of the target tenant,
L-Platform or L-Server is displayed in a separate window. Refer to 3.2.2
Configuration Information Display" for the displayed configuration information.
CI Type The CI types are as follows:
- Tenant: If a tenant is selected
- L-Platform: If an L-Platform is selected
- L-Server: If an L-Server is selected
Nickname Displays the display name of the configuration item.
The following display names are displayed in accordance with the CI type:
- For the tenant CI type: The tenant name determined during tenant registration
("tenant name (tenant ID)")
- For the L-Platform CI type: The L-Platform subscription name set during L-
Platform subscription
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