Part Description
Memory Size Specify the memory size of the physical server in GB units. (*)
If the upper limit value recorded in the image information differs from the VM pool upper
limit value (the free size of the VM host with the largest free memory size), a value up
to the smaller value can be set.
Values outside that range cannot be set.
System Disk Storage pool From the drop-down menu, select the storage pool to be used.
Size The disk capacity of the physical server is displayed in GB.
The capacity of the system disk cannot be modified.
Boot priority Sets the priority order when performing batched power supply operations in either the L-
Platform or the tenant. Range:1-256.The smaller the value, the higher the priority order.
Set to 0 when power supply operations are not carried out in a single batch. Note however
that this value cannot be set to 0 at the time of new deployment.
*: The server pool physical server with details closest to the specified CPU and memory information is allocated.
Estimated charges are calculated according to the values entered for the CPU performance and memory capacity when newly deploying
a physical server. The performance of the actual server deployed will be the closest possible to the entered values. For this reason, the
estimated charges displayed may differ to actual charges. Estimated charges for physical servers that have already been deployed will be
calculated according to the actual CPU performance and memory capacity.
NICs tab
Use the NICs tab to set the IP address allocated to an NIC.
Note that the IP address can be set only if "manual setting" is specified for the subnet during segment editing. However, since the subnet
cannot be changed by reconfiguration after a system is deployed, IP address changes are also not possible.
A display example of the NICs tab is shown below. Note that the window shown below is the L-Platform subscription Reconfigure page.
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