Graph type Column name Explanation Unit Description
consintl Interval time second
- in case of interval time is 10
minutes: 600
- in case of 1 hour: 3600
- in case of 24 hour: 86400
Data coverage (0 to 1)
preadbyt Disk read usage bytes Output only for Windows
pwritbyt Disk write usage bytes Output only for Windows
iokreads Disk read usage Kbytes Output only for Linux
iokwrite Disk write usage Kbytes Output only for Linux
vmdmbread Disk read usage Mbytes
Output only for VMware
Disk read usage for virtual machine
and storage device units
vmdmbwrt Disk write usage Mbytes
Output only for VMware
Disk write usage for virtual
machine and storage device units
VM name
Output only for VMware/Hyper-V/
kvmdiskblockrdby Disk read usage bytes
Output only for RHEL-KVM
Disk read usage in the domain
kvmdiskblockwrby Disk write usage bytes
Output only for RHEL-KVM
Disk write usage in the domain
Disk R/W count
sdattim Collection start time (*1) yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
resrcid Resource ID
- in case of physical servers and
Windows: drive name or
- in case of physical servers and
Linux: device name
recid Record ID
Output any of the following
consintl Interval time second
- in case of interval time is 10
minutes: 600
- in case of 1 hour: 3600
- in case of 24 hour: 86400
Data coverage (0 to 1)
preadsec Disk read count
Output only for Windows
Physical disk read operation count
pwritsec Disk write count
Output only for Windows
Physical disk write operation count
ioreads Disk read count
Output only for Linux
read count
iowrite Disk write count
Output only for Linux
write count
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