- [Recovery Settings] Tab
Displays information on the spare servers assigned to the resource selected in the resource tree.
- [Image List] Tab
Displays system and cloning image information.
- [Network Map] Tab
Displays a network diagram of registered resources.
- Events
Resource Orchestrator events and related information are displayed.
The event log displays a history of events that have occurred on managed resources.
Recent Operations
Displays the progress statuses and results of operations performed in Resource Orchestrator.
<BladeViewer>>> Button
Opens the BladeViewer interface.
BladeViewer is a management interface specially designed for blade servers. It can only be used in conjunction with PRIMERGY BX
servers registered as managed servers.
A.2 Menus
This section describes the menus available in the ROR console.
Figure A.2 Menu
A.2.1 List of Menus
The menus provided on the menu bar of the ROR console are listed in the table below.
Options available vary according to the authority level of the user account.
Table A.1 Menu Items
Menu Submenu
General User Function
- Yes No
Imports the system configuration file
for pre-configuration.
Export - Yes No
Exports the system configuration file
for pre-configuration.
Download Template CSV Format Yes Yes
Downloads a sample of the system
configuration file (CSV format) for
Export Environmental
Yes Yes
Exports environmental data collected
from chassis.
Server Yes Yes
Exports environmental data collected
from servers.
Power Monitoring
Yes Yes
Exports environmental data collected
from power monitoring devices.
Logout - Yes Yes Logs out of the ROR console. (*1)
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